Apnea Academy learning race’s mission is to provide step-by-step support to every person interested in discovering the free diving underwater. Starting from the first approach to free diving with the Apnea Discovery race (this differs from race has snorkeling race, covering technical standard of relaxation and breathing which are now included in the races of modern free-diving), to the highest level of the program, the Instructor’s course, Apnea Academy helps, at very stage, to identify one’s limits to dive safely underwater still maintaining the unsurpassed feeling provided by free-diving.
Only the most motivated and competent people have been selected by Apnea Academy as instructors to provide superior know-how and experience to beginners.
To make the development of the technical diving more enjoyable, safe and easy, Apnea Academy has completed a multimedia system which is based on special teaching materials.
Technical test in swimming pool and in open waters are video recorded to facilitate technical improvements. The official Manual of free diving, slides, videos, final test and scoring didactical have all been prepared to provide a specific sequence of subjects and help acquiring the knowledge offered by the learning material.
Each race consists of theoretical lessons, swimming pool training, relaxation and breathing techniques and open water tests.
Once the race is completed and subject to the favourable assessment from the instructor, year Apnea Academy Award will be issued to the student.
Apnea Academy First Level
Apnea Academy First Level represents the first approach to free-diving with a complete basic equipment. The objective of the race is to reach controlled free-diving by applying technical breething and relaxation in order to reach the following performance:
- 1’45 « static apnea,
- 30 m in dynamic
- and 8 m in depth.
Apnea Academy Second Level
Apnea Academy Second Level is to improve the relaxation and breathing techniques by taking advantage of the experience acquired in the first level in order to reach the following performance:
- 2 ‘ 30 in static.
- 55 m dynamic
- and 15 m depth.
Apnea Academy Third Level
Apnea Academy Third Level is the highest award for a free diver. By has improvement of its ability to operate in the water, mental and technical training, the free diver will be able to reach:
- 3′ static,
- 70 m dynamic
- and 25 m depth.