The World Federation of Underwater Activities was founded in 1959 and now comprises more than 130 federations of the 5 continents. In addition to organizing international underwater sports events, it is at the forefront of research and technical and scientific development. The federation can be associated with the development of one of the oldest and most extensive diving training systems.
About the CMAS: http://www.cmas.org/cmas/about
And more specifically about apnea: Http://www.cmas.org/apnee/a-propos-de-l-apnee
The different levels of freediving:
Freediver CMAS Level 1 – Swimming pool
This level helps to acquire the knowledge and technical skills essential to a safe practice of sports apnea in the pool. This basic course is intended for beginners as well as for people with some experience in apnea and wishing to obtain their accreditation for access to training, advanced training and activities supervised by accredited instructors.
Details: CMAS Québec-Standards Apneistes-Niveau_1 to 4-2017 (English)
Freediver CMAS Level 1 – Depth
This level allows to acquire the knowledge and technical skills essential to a safe practice sports apnea in the natural environment (depth). This basic course is intended for beginners as well as for people with some experience in apnea and wishing to obtain their accreditation for access to training, advanced training and activities supervised by accredited instructors.
Details: CMAS Québec-Standards Apneistes-Niveau_1 to 4-2017 (English)
Freediver CMAS Level 2
Through a deepening of theoretical knowledge as well as technical skills, the level II allows to develop effective tools for a healthy practice of sports apnea. This advanced course is aimed at freedivers wishing to progress in the swimming pool (static apnea, dynamic apnea with or without fins) as well as in the natural environment (depth in free immersion and constant weight).
Details: CMAS Québec-Standards Apneistes-Niveau_1 to 4-2017 (English)
Freediver CMAS Level 3
This level allows to acquire in-depth knowledge on certain aspects of the sport apnea that is practised in the pool or in depth. This course is intended for freedivers who wish to prepare for the competition or to consolidate their experience.
Details: CMAS Québec-Standards Apneistes-Niveau_1 to 4-2017 (English)
Freediver CMAS Level 4
This level allows to begin learning the knowledge and technical skills necessary for the practice of monitoring. The Level 4 free is thus called to assist the instructor in the theory and practice, in the swimming pool or in the natural environment.
Details: CMAS Québec-Standards Apneistes-Niveau_1 to 4-2017 (French)